Friday, April 30, 2010


Barbara sent us a fun CD for Easter.  It's by a band called L.O.L.  Live Out Loud.  We have a good time "rocking out" to in in our little play room.  My favorite song has the lyrics:

Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mystery
But this day, this day is a gift

I don't know why this stuck in my little brain but it did.  
Here are gifts from today:

Jacob beating me at chess.
Avery and I starting a puddle jumping club
Both the kids having a good piano practice.
Abbie laughing hysterically when Ella walks into the room.
Jacob watched a practical joke about someone falling into some water.  He felt it important to reinact and "fell" into the bathtub with Ella fully dressed.

Here is another gift: Mom watched all the kids so Scott and I could have a date.  We went to Silver Falls and it was breathtaking.
Other random funness:
Scott decorated for my birthday.  We had a great little party!